this is Count Olaf who is a famous villian in a series of unfortunate events

a picture of hair saved in a plastic bag for evidence
mysterious footprints, hmm.. could this be a clue to track the person?
this is a tape investigators use when there is something important in the area or when there is a crime scene
a scared baby because of the suspense and tension
Crime- the crime was Angeline killing her uncle becasue he was rich
Detectives- the detective was Monk because he solves the crime
Criminal- the criminal was Angeline because she killed her uncle
Excuses- the alibis was when the shopkeeper said that he was in the store when the killings happened and that Angeline was the uncle's neice
Victims- the victim was the uncle
Suspects- they suspected the shopkeeper because he was the only relationship between the voodoo doll and because the way he dressed so mysteriously
Suspense- the suspense was the creepy music that came on and the big car chase at the end
Redherring-the distractions were the 2 other killings and the voodoo doll that seemed like Natalie was going to be killed because Monk cares about her
Evidence- the evidence was the voodoo dolls and the supersticious charms that were hung around the uncle's house
Clues- the clues were the newspaper picture of Angeline and that she was at every crime scene because is a peramedic
Surprise ending- the suprise ending was it wasn't the shopkeeper who commited the crime, it was angeline who was the neice
Hi Faqeera! I like your Villain picture for count Olaf it fits with the picture. Keep up the great work.
Hi! I like the Nancy Drew picture. She's a really great detective. Great Work!
Excellent job Faqueera! I love first two pictures the one of Count Olaf and the Nancy Drew (great ideas). You also gave good definitions. :)
Wow. That's really nice. I know Count Olaf but I haven't thought about putting him as a villain. All of your pictures are really good and also the explanation.
Keep up the good work!!! :)
- Young woo
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