by Caroline Cooney
Family reunion is about a family people know as unstable. Shelley's parents are divorced, her mom in Paris whom is going to remarry. Shelly lives with her 12 year old little brother who embarreses her and has a fake leg. She lives with her father who married about four times. She has one more sister who is in Paris, visiting their mom. Every year they get together at their aunt's house in Barrington and have a family reunion. But now she has to go there with her new stepmom and annoying little brother because her dad had to skip it for business things. But actually her dad is coming to suprise people. She discovers a secret. Her dad's first wife maybe had a son called Toby. She doesn't believe it. But when she goes to the pool with her cousins she has a huge crush on this guy. And wierdly enough, his name was Toby. They later meet each other again in the ice cream shop and later confirms that he was the son of the first wife. But they are not really considered family. They fall in love and rides home in Toby's car. But something unexpected happen. They kissed.
My favourite part was the talk when Shelly finally finds out that Toby was really her father's first son because it was akward and unexpected.
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