1. Because the Europeans came into Haiti before the arrival of Colombus, and stole money from their country, so most Haitians live on a dollar a day.
2. Haiti is actually a country full of mountains, but people have been cutting trees down without replanting.
3. Haiti's largest land areas are mostly to produce crops for exports, but the problem is there isn't much place to sell or eat in the market.
4. Millions and millions of dollars from foreign governments and charitible groups have donated, but have been stolen from goverment officials.
5. The shipping goods are expensive and risky, it usually takes a long time for workers because after it rains, roads can't be used and is damaged.
6. Water is really difficult to get because there are limited water sewages and the water in Haiti isn't clean.
7. A problem for the cause of poverty is that about 5% of Haiti knows how to speak French fluently and the other percentage knows how to only speak Creole.
8. Legally, education is free in this country, but again the language from teachers, books and exams are in French, causing the discipline of students to be hard and schools are overcrowded.
9. The life expectantcy for the Haitians is 48 years old for males and 52 years old for females, maybe because of diseases.
10. Another reason to why they are one of the poorest country is in the early days the French took over their crops and ordered them harshly as hard-working slaves.