Friday, August 14, 2009

First day of middle school

On a sunny August 10th i started middle school and i was feeling excited but nervous at the same time. I made my way down the ramp near the high school science rooms and looked at the at the student's board to see what class i was in. I eventually found my name and next to it was the name, Micheal Hughes. I looked next to it which said Q2. That was my teacher and that was my classroom module. It wasn't so far away since i had to turn around and walk straight, but wait a second, RING!, that was the morning bell and i was late. I rushed into the candle-scented classroom where everyone was already sitting. My teacher passed me a chair. As always, we introduced ourselves and wrote the day schedules. I had beggining strings and drama today. And the next day I had french 1A and PE.

At break time I finally saw my friends and we shared our holiday stories. I also bought my school supplies at D'Toko and bought my lucnh ticket for a hotdog. I headed for begginingg strings in 1-13. I was going to play violin. Then it was lunchtime and i ate my hotdog with my new and old friends. After that i rushed to math/science in P5 with Ms. Marrello. We disscussed the classroom expectations and other things. I ended the day with drama. I was really nervous about this because i'm a bit shy and in drama you have to do things that are loud. After the last bell rang i went back to my homeroom to go over the last few things

Well middle school is exhausting but fun at the same time.

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