Saturday, December 19, 2009
Holiday entry 1
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
GeoActive 2
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A: There are 2.5 percent supply of fresh water.
2. Where is the world's supply of fresh water found?
A: Here are some places that fresh water is found; ice on land, groundwater, soil, atmosphere, rivers and lakes.
3. Even though the supply of fresh water is abundant it is still a problem. Why?
A: Because nowadays, people use modern technology and engineering. For examples, people build malls and other buildings that degrades infiltration. So the water might lead to somewhere else.
4. a) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the Southern to the Northern tip of Africa.
A: In the South part of Africa, the rainfall is about 250-1000mm, but if you travel to the middle, it's alot of rainfall, which is 1000-2000mm. In the North part, the rainfall is very little, under 250mm. That's why in the middle east it's mostly full of dry deserts.
b) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the western to the eastern tip of Australia along the Tropic of Capricorn.
A: The western part of Australia is dry, but a bit more rainfall than the Middle East. If you keep moving to the right, the reain gets heavier.
5. a) Which parts of the world appear to have a large amount of water available per person?
A: The top part of Asia, north america, south america, the middle of africa and the western and northern part of Australia.
b) Which parts of the world appear to have a small amount of water per person?
A) Mostly Europe, Asia and Africa appear to have a small amount of availability.
6. a) What are the main uses of water?
A: The main uses of water are drinking, because you can't live without it, and for showering because it's also a survival need.
b) Which uses have increased the most over the last centuary?
A: Probably industrial jobs, as in if the factories were making new juices or bottled water.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Water Treatment Plantation
In Stage 1, we went to the garbage removel through course and fine filters area. What happened there was they let the water flow from the brown river to the filters. There was this big end of the bulldozer that picked the garbages up and place it to the next station. It lands in their and lifts up, every hour. There were spikes or barriers to prevent the garbage from coming in. The purpose of it was to clean out the water from garbage, 6meters down.
In Stage 2, they add in chemicals and stir to create floc. You could see bubbly brown bubbles floating at the top of the water. The water was still dark brown. The purpose of this process is to add floc and coagulate all dirts particle to stick togeter.
In Stage 3, I could see that they allowed the sediments and floc to settle st the bottom of the water. They were in very deep tanks and the water turned into a better colour. The floc and alum were given time to settle to the bottom.
In Stage 4, the water was filtered through 1 meter of sand. But the sand has to be a specific type of sand; fine, same sized, small and not from the beach. Now the colour is getting real clearer.
In Stage 5, chemical disinfects are added. They also put in chlorine and other chemicals to kill the bacteria. After that happens, they're sent to the reservoirs.
In Stage 6, the final satge, testing is done to make sure water is clean and safe to use or drink. The lab was so amazing, because I've never really set eyes on a lab filled with science equipments. There were beakers filled with pink, green and blue chemical water. It smelt like chlorine. They showed us the before and after water product. Wow, was that a difference!
We ended the trip with watching an animated movie/video about why it's important to help preserving water, maybe by not throwing your garbage or anything harmful in not just the rivers, but also oceans, sinks, lakes and many more. It also reviewed the process we learnt about. There was then a 2-question-quiz, but unfortunately I didn't win the teardrop prize. Oh well my room is stuffed with toys. I enjoyed learning about the process and think that making clean water is a very long, tiring, expensive cycle/process.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bintaro Lama field trip
In Station 1, we learned about the sand filter. They had to dig 30 meters down to get the sand and water. They then pour in water into the sand filter nad slowly it becomes clean water. At least clean enough to take a shower. This filter contains sand, pebbles/rocks, gravel and water.
In Station 3, we moved on over to SODIS. SODIS is a station where they show how to clean the water by sun drying the bacteria. Some of the things they did was first clean the bottle and bottle cap with a scrubber and soap. Then they pour some water from the sand filter. After that they left the water bottle on top of the roof to sundry. One rule was that the bottle has to have one texture and no labels on it. If it does, the sun will bounce on the bottle, and that will cause it to not kill some bacterias. There should also be no bubbles in them.
In Station 5, we saw the water quality test. They showed us the DelAqua equipments and hot to use it properly. In the bag was some tubes and a measuring tubidity equipments. There were more things,vbut we weren't introduced to them. What you do with it is you connect the 3 tubes together, and make sure to hold the bottom part, where the x or o is so the water doesn’t spill. The point of the x or o is, after you fill up the tube, you shouldn’t see the markings, otherwise the water isn’t clean. How to use the measuring tubidity equipment is you dip in the thinner side and see the number. It's kind of like a thermometer.
Finally we ended the trip by some local kids singing a song for us. It was in Bahasa, and reminded us to wash our hands to be on the safe side. We then did indeed wash our hands with soap and water. This trip was helpful because we see that we get water way easier then the people who live in the Kampung. Also different creative ways to make fresh water.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The water cycle
The picture on the left is when water vapour starts to evaporate and become clouds. Because it evaporates, it creates dew points.
This picture clearly shows precipitation is when any form of water; snow, freezing rain, hail, rain or more hits anywere on earth. If it hits water, after that it's evaporation. If it hits ground, it's infiltration.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Story Of Tracy Beaker
Monday, October 26, 2009
The interview with Tracy Beaker
This is an interview with the messy, laid-back Tracy Beaker who lives in a Children's Home, but then became a famous author.
My first time on the sled

You might know that kids are filled with enthusiasm and excitement. Since I was only a kid I was jumping up and down begging my mom to go again. We climbed up the same hill again a few times more, but my mom was exhausted. She didn’t want to tolerate me, so she let me go up a small hill, but alone. Here is where the trouble starts. I climbed up the hill with a wide grin on my face, once more and sat on my sled. I pushed off with all my might and went zooming down. At some part of the hill, I stopped at an abrupt halt, and was no longer on the sled anymore. It was so long ago, I can’t remember what went wrong, but what I do remember is I went flying off the sled, tumbling, rolling on and on. I saw the world going round and I felt dizzy. I could see tiny dots, which were my family, vividly. I appreciate that it was ice, or it would have hurt because it’s like doing 15 flips, my head getting squished. When I finally stopped all that chaos and reached the bottom of the hill, I landed at a very weird position, and I’m telling you it’s the worst -the splits. To add more of the embarrassment, my family was laughing at me, with a few other Swiss-goggled strangers. Now this is a very unforgettable first time.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My first break holiday
The next day, we went to Bogor which took about 3hours because we took the volcano way. I felt so pukey and dizzy going around on the twisted road. We were going to Taman Safari, and I was so excited.There were so many stalls selling carrots and bananas to feed the animals but once you get there at the safari, you can't get out of your car or else the animals will attack you! It's set out in a forest, and there are different sections where the animals have their own habitat. You just drive on the safari track, passing animals. We bought 2 bundles of carrots and we fed some to the zebras, llamas, deers, giraffes and many more. The llamas were really annoying because they kept on begging near cars that passed for food. Do the zookeepers even feed

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Vocabulary 2
2. resurrected- to bring something back to life or usefulness
3. pledge- more of a promise/ unbrakable vow
4. brazier- a metal, iron grill pot
5. putrefy- a solid thing (ex. meat) that is rotting and has a fetid smell
6. spontaneous- to act without planning or much thoughts
7. discreetly- without much attention drawn to it
8. martyred- someone who sacrifices their life for their strong beliefs
9. preposterous- out of the zone of normal/ unexpected
10. scouring- to check, find something intently and detailed
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Series of unfortunate events #12 The Penultimate Peril
This second to last book is when the Baudelaires meet Kit Snicket, Jacques Snicket's sister. They feel like their lives might feel happy again. Kit gives them a job at the hotel Donuement. They have to disguise as concierge and flanuers. The hotel is the last safe place for V.F.D and they have to meet on Thursday. But on their trip as concierges, they found out that the notorious villian, Count Olaf is in the hotel, planning a cocktail party. They have to be seperate to do the jobs. The people they help are villians that Count Olaf invited to his cocktail party, and people they've met throughout their miserable lives. But there are volunteers from V.F.D in the Hotel. They met Dewey Donuement, the good volunteer spy who followed the Baudelaires, but could never get hold and save them. But later sadly, he got killed. And now the Baudelaires are sailing away with Count Olaf, after setting the hotel on fire.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Vocabulary sentences
2. For mother's day, I'm going to need some corrugated cardboard to make a nice border frame.
3.When I passed the dumpsters, I whiffed off a strong fetid smell that almost knocked me off my feet.
4. Most moms have frivolous things that are not necassary like handbags and shoes.
5. In science class, we used vials to create experiments and measure substances.
6. People that are not so easy to get along with are the one who are conceited and have a big ego.
7. I felt like gagging after lunchtime, because I ate too much food.
8. It is intolerable in my house to not help out with chores and not finishing your homework.
9. There was this really desolated island, I found on Google Earth.
10. I stared at the bubbles as it was frothing in my coffee latte.
Me and I sentences
2.My brother always likes to disturb me when I am doing my homework.
3. Over the semester break, my siblings and I bought ice-cream at the beach.
4. For Hari Raya, my mom and I baked delicious, chocolate-chip brownies.
5. My freind and I are going to the cinemas to watch G-force.
6. Since I was sick for the production, a backup took my place.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Series of unfortunate events #11 The Grim Grotto
Monday, September 21, 2009
Elvis lives! and other anagrams
Monday, September 7, 2009
On page 2 , Lemony Snicket shows that Violet was an inventor who could get away of hard situations through out her miserable life. "Violet who was 15 years old and nearly the best inventor who had ever found herself trapped in the grey waters of the stricken stream, found her way out by using some tools she had early on." That explains that a girl so young had a brilliant mind, and yet could escape. It matches to the chart underneath hobbies, cause she loved inventing.
On page 3, Lemony brings Count Olaf's greediness to the page. Part of the sentence wrote, "the amount of trouble and woe these skills would bring him once he and his siblings met up with Count Olaf, the notorious villian who had been after the children ever since their parents had perished in a terrible fire." The fire was even done by him, so he could get his filthy hands on the Baudelaire's rich fortune. The author gave a hint with the keyword notorious villian, to show that he never did any good. It also shows how eager and desperate he is to get the money. It matches with number 9 on the chart.
On page 7, he brings out violet's inventing skills again with the quote, "and she looked at her siblings, who were waiting for her inventing skills to save them." Usually Violet was the one who saved them, so her unventions have to be strong to hold them all. They always relied and depend on her, but she didn't mind because she loved her sibling very much. This means she cares about them to love them.
Because of the different characters and the way he introduces them, I keep on reading his fantastic books!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Disaster strikes Java
As we know earthquakes comes from underneath oceans, which causes the water to rise. Scientist and reporters gave out a tsunami warning, but already in some places there was flood. It's not surprising because we are on the ring of fire, unlike if it was in Europe or other places away from it, it would be shocking. As you heard people say that animals always come out before the earthquake or act abnormal, it's because they have senses. If they live underground they would probably hear it or feel the vibration, but if they're not underground they have instincts and don't act like themselves. here's a real life story: In school, when most people were gone home, the teachers were having a meeting when suddenly a big fat snake came out of nowhere. Out of all the days of it's life, the snake chose this day to finally come out to warn people about this earthquake. The teachers were all scared but they didn't realize that it was a warning because they weren't use to earthquakes. Your pet might run around in circles or make unusual noises.
So just be careful.....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The series of unfortunate events #10 The slippery slope
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Facts about Lemony Snicket
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Typhoon Morokat

Friday, August 14, 2009
First day of middle school
At break time I finally saw my friends and we shared our holiday stories. I also bought my school supplies at D'Toko and bought my lucnh ticket for a hotdog. I headed for begginingg strings in 1-13. I was going to play violin. Then it was lunchtime and i ate my hotdog with my new and old friends. After that i rushed to math/science in P5 with Ms. Marrello. We disscussed the classroom expectations and other things. I ended the day with drama. I was really nervous about this because i'm a bit shy and in drama you have to do things that are loud. After the last bell rang i went back to my homeroom to go over the last few things
Well middle school is exhausting but fun at the same time.